Pampers help parents tackle the taboo of bedwetting

  • ClientSaatchi – Pampers
  • ObjectiveHelp eradicate the stigma parents and children feel towards bedwetting

Approximately 500,000 children aged 5-16 are prone to bedwetting in the UK, yet the topic remains a taboo for almost all parents.

We worked with Pampers to help change this. We did this by running a live stream to kickstart an open, honest conversation amongst parents.

We partnered with The Motherload founder Kate Dyson, alongside paediatric doctor, television presenter and author, Dr Ranj Singh, to lead the panel discussion, and they were joined by broadcaster Sarah-Jane Crawford.

Sarah-Jane had personal experiences of this as a young girl, and now is a mother of 2, so she was about to talk about how her own experiences helped her parent more sensitively.

Coverage: Livestream

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