IMPACT of Powerful Video Content Not to be Underestimated
How can brands cut through the noise with their PR campaigns? The success of Golin PR at the Cannes Lions with their Specsavers campaign has been a fantastic illustration of the IMPACT a creative approach to video can have - with powerful and effective storytelling that cleverly utilises star power, a strong core concept and cultural nostalgia to really resonate with its audience.

Throughout my career in advertising, I’ve found video content to be a game-changer for brands and agencies within their campaigns.
Look at the recent Cannes Lions winner Golin PR. Their Specsavers campaign win was well deserved not just because its messaging was inclusive in terms of “mishearing” as opposed to “hearing loss”, but also because of the tongue-in-cheek video with Rick Astley that highlighted how the lyrics to his smash-hit song that we think we all know have been misheard over the years.
Video can be more effective than text at times, which makes it a powerful tool for storytelling. Most audiences today prefer video – it conveys complex information quickly, and more importantly, memorably. This is why if you’re stuck in the house learning how to grout your bathtub, chances are you’ll reach into your pocket for your smartphone to watch a DIY YouTube tutorial.
Furthermore, video content suits the fast-paced, social world we live in by enhancing engagement across multiple channels. The dynamic nature of a video not only captures attention, it facilitates social sharing, reaching huge audiences with just the click of a button. In this campaign, for example, Astley tweeted about his work with Specsavers, immediately connecting his 255.6K followers to the video and spreading their important message.
Emotional impact doesn’t even need to be addressed in depth, as we know seeing and hearing Rick Astley butcher his own hit connected people on a richer and deeper level.
The outcome was a smash and grab of hearing test bookings – with numbers increasing for Specsavers by an incredible 1,220%. The unheard version was played over 20m times. And let’s be honest: who doesn’t like that hit record Never Gonna Give You Up?
And if this wasn’t enough for brands to consider including video as part of their strategy and overall campaign, allow me to lay this scientific fact on you:
90% of all communication happens visually. Our brain processes visual impressions 6k times faster than text. The human eye can differentiate approximately 10m different colours. It takes only 13 milliseconds for the human brain to process an image. This makes video, alongside the written word and audio broadcast, a key means of connecting with people, with every medium having its time, place and purpose.
Now that we know the science, let’s take that science and apply it to the art of communication. For brands and agencies to make an impact through video you need to combine the science with the art, and BR Studio’s I.M.P.A.C.T. framework.
- Does my video come from a particular Insight?
- Will my messaging be Meaningful?
- Is our video content Poignant?
- Is the video content Agile? Keeping my audience engaged while attracting new audiences simultaneously?
- Is the video Creative?
- Will it yield Tangible results. – Ask Golin about that one.
In short, incorporating video into PR campaigns not only broadens your reach, but enhances content needs via social snippets across multiple channels. For PR professionals aiming to cut through the noise, video is not just an option; it’s an essential part of any comms toolkit.
Want to learn more? Discover BR Studio and contact us today.
Words by Sean-Taylor (ST) Williams.